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Carole Robertson Center for Learning

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Deteccion e informes de abuso infantil: Capacitacion para informantes obligatorios
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Deteccion e informes de abuso infantil: Capacitacion para informantes obligatorios


with Gilda Figueroa

Calendar Apr 24, 2024 at 6:30 pm


El propósito de este curso en línea es ayudar a todos los informantes obligatorios de Illinois a entender su importante papel en la protección de los niños al reconocer e informar sobre el abuso infantil. Cualquiera que sospeche de abuso o abandono infantil debe llamar a la Línea de ayuda del Departamento de Servicios Infantiles y Familiares (Department of Children and Family Services Child Abuse) para informar, pero los informantes obligatorios tienen la obligación legal de hacerlo.

Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse: Training for Mandated Reporters - Cancelled


with Lina Rinko

Calendar Apr 24, 2024 at 6:30 pm


The purpose of this in-person training is to help all Illinois Mandated Reporters understand their critical role in protecting children by recognizing and reporting child abuse. Everyone who suspects child abuse or neglect should call the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Child Abuse Hotline to make a report, but Mandated Reporters are required by law to do so.

Will run

Elementos Basicos de Desarollo Infantil Salud Y Seguridad


with Luz Macias

Calendar Apr 27, 2024 at 9 am


Esta capacitación proporcionará a los participantes una visión general del desarrollo infantil, salud, y cuestiones de seguridad para los niños desde el nacimiento hasta la edad escolar temprana. El énfasis será en la comprensión de las pautas de desarrollo, áreas de desarrollo, y el papel que juega la nutrición en el desarrollo. Además, las cuestiones de salud y seguridad abarcarán el apoyo al crecimiento sano de los niños – desde lo fundamental como el lavado de manos hasta prácticas más profundas que involucran procedimientos saludables y la prevención de enfermedades. Los participantes aprenderán más sobre la planificación/preparación de emergencias y los primeros auxilios además de identificar sugerencias para mantener un ambiente seguro de interior y/o al aire libre.

Will run

Child Deveopment Health and Safety Pt. 1
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Child Deveopment Health and Safety Pt. 1


with Bernice Shelton


This training provides participants with an overview of child development, health, and safety issues for children birth through early school-age. Emphasis will be on understanding patterns of development, developmental domains, and the role of nutrition in development. In addition, health and safety issues will address supporting the growth of healthy children—from the basics such as handwashing to more in-depth practices surrounding healthy procedures and disease prevention. Participants will learn more about emergency planning/preparedness and first aid as well as identify tips for maintaining safe indoor/outdoor environments.

Aprender jugando


with Luz Macias

Calendar May 1, 2024 at 6:30 pm


Los niños aprenden a través del juego. Desarrolle actividades de aprendizaje y planee rutinas que estimularán el desarrollo integral del niño.

Will run

Child Deveopment Health and Safety Pt.2
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Child Deveopment Health and Safety Pt.2


with Bernice Shelton


This training provides participants with an overview of child development, health, and safety issues for children birth through early school-age. Emphasis will be on understanding patterns of development, developmental domains, and the role of nutrition in development. In addition, health and safety issues will address supporting the growth of healthy children—from the basics such as handwashing to more in-depth practices surrounding healthy procedures and disease prevention. Participants will learn more about emergency planning/preparedness and first aid as well as identify tips for maintaining safe indoor/outdoor environments.

Choosing Appropriate Picture Books for Your Early Childhood Classroom


with Sheila Kerwin

Calendar May 7, 2024 at 6:30 pm


Are you exposing your children to good stories? Come discuss the picture book and its important role as a major component of children’s literature. We’ll explore guidelines for selecting age-appropriate picture books, read and analyze several selections, and consider how they influence early literacy, social-emotional development, and children’s appreciation of story.

Will run

Todo comportamiento tiene un significado
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Todo comportamiento tiene un significado


with Rosa Ortiz

Calendar May 7, 2024 at 6:30 pm


Todos los comportamientos que muestran los niños tienen un significado. Los comportamientos deben ser entendidos, y luego identificados antes de las intervenciones se pueden determinar. Observaciones y documentación juegan un papel clave en la comprensión y el apoyo de la conducta de los niños.

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